Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It’s Utterly Mad

  1. Why might they have done this? To get money and know that it will a sure way to get it. They gave loans to people who weren't qualified and took there money and made them go into debt and pay even more money with interest.
  2. Was it an innocent mistake, which surprised the banks and rating agencies as much as it surprised most investors? Or was it an intentional ruse, which generated phantom profits and bonuses, even as it sowed the seeds of financial destruction? I don't think it was a mistake someone just found a way to make money and they got greedy about it and went for it. I feel like this was planned bc it went on for so long, maybe it's a lot bigger then we thought it was. No one was stopping them, so who knows who else could of been involved that we don't know of.
  3. How, exactly, was it “mad”? It was mad bc people who were doing that had no heart for those whose money they took. People just wanted to buy homes and have a nice life but instead they got a nasty surprise. It's also mad bc people knew things were wrong but oddly they just let it keep happening. Money was coming left and right and no one asked where did it all come from. The IRS should of been down there necks!  

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