Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech

1. The purpose of the March on Washington was to get voices out there and celebrate together as one and equal as well at the largest political gathering by colored people.

2. The purpose of the keynote address delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr was to let the people know that we are all one and equal and his dream was to see this division between us be destroyed to live as one at peace. No racism just love and have equal rights. 

3. The speech and the March on Washington became the two most celebrated symbols of the Civil right era because it created a change. It made the people truly make a movement to prosper for human rights. Also, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr spoke from his heart he preached to the people as a person himself. It was truly a connection with all.

4. Many everyday citizens got involved in the civil protest during the civil rights era because they all wanted change and equality as humans. Change was much needed and with the bigger the crowd the more they are heard. Passionate about this movement for civil rights made it come alive.

5. A drastic thing like losing human right or not being respected of your rights can encouraged a everyday citizen and citizens to get involved in the struggle for civil human rights. Also, if someone does what Martin Luther King Jr. did with his amazing speech to get the people up and moving ready for things to change. It gave motivation and that's what one needs to get the ball rolling.

6. The connections that can be made with The March on Washington, and "The I Have a Dream" are that the gathering of the march gave the people opportunity for many to speak and one of those speakers was Martin and he motivated many to have movement for there rights and equality. This paved the way to change and helped get the word out that things need to be done not just for ourselves but for our future children as well.

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